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Personal Protection Outside the Home

This is one of the most advanced pistol courses that the NRA offers. It is not a "basic" course in that it has specific prerequisites of other NRA basic and intermediate courses (requires Basic Pistol and Personal Protection Inside the Home). A significant portion of the time this course is allocated to range exercises.

The PPOTH course is offered at two tiers. A basic course is nine hours (Level 1) which can be supplemented by the Level 2 portion of this course which is an additional five hours, for a total of fourteen hours. We always  include both Levels 1 & 2 when this class is offered.

Modules of instruction include:

  • The defensive mindset
  • Introduction to self-defense and concealed carry; carry modes and concealment
  • Legal aspects of concealed carry and self-defense
  • Presenting the handgun from concealment, positions and movement
  • Shooting on the move

Course Information:


  • Must be lawfully able to possess a handgun in the jurisdiction where range exercises are conducted.
  • Must have Basic Pistol or equivalent, must have the NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home certification.

Course length: Nine (9hrs) hours - Level 1; Fourteen (14hrs) hours - Level 1 & 2

Class/range: Both

Materials Required: All class materials are provided.

For the range, the following is usually required

  • Pistol & holster
  • Proper eye and ear protection
  • two hundred rounds of ammunition
  • three magazines or speed loaders

***There may be other requirements specific to the range used for this course***